BIO-Logic, Inc.

"Natural Resource Consultants Specializing in Biology, Geology, GIS, & Wetlands"

125 Colorado Avenue, Suite B, Montrose, Colorado 81401, USA

Phone: 970-240-4374 environmental Fax 970-252-1969 consultant

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Conservation Easement Documentation

consultant biologic assessment mitigation delineation geologic

For more information on conservation easement documentation services, project design, minerals assessments (remoteness letters) for conservation easement projects, or quotes please contact:

Steve Boyle, Principal & Senior Biologist

mining mineral potential regulatory impact baseline

We are specialists in documenting conservation values and researching mineral estates severed by private and federal mineral reservations.


Conservation Easement Documentation


BIO-Logic, Inc. has completed documentation reports for over 175 private land conservation easements in Colorado and New Mexico, from small family farms to ranches covering thousands of acres. We have provided documentation for conservation easements held by numerous land trusts, state agencies, and counties and municipalities. We provide Baseline Documentation Reports, Minerals Assessments, and strategic planning to help land trusts and agencies focus their conservation work more effectively. We are working with the Colorado Coalition of Land Trusts to prepare a Minerals Handbook for Private Land Conservation in Colorado.


Baseline Documentation Reports document existing conditions such as surface and minerals ownership, improvements, and land uses. The report also documents conservation values protected by the conservation easement such as agriculture, wildlife, rare plants or special ecological features, scenic, historical, and other types of conservation values.


Minerals Assessments (“Remoteness Reports”) are required for conservation easements when ownership of mineral rights is split or severed from surface ownership. Minerals Assessments document the nature of the severed mineral rights, the likelihood of recoverable minerals occurring on the property, and feasibility factors that affect the likelihood of development of severed mineral rights. Our staff geologist maintains an extensive library of geologic resources including books, maps, and digital databases covering the State of Colorado . We confirm or research mineral estate ownership, geologic potential, and potential for economic quality and quantity of mineral resources.


Conservation Easement Documentation clients and projects include:

Colorado Cattlemen’s Agricultural Land Trust Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation ( Colorado , New Mexico ) Colorado Open Lands The Nature Conservancy Trust for Land Restoration Black Canyon Land Trust Aspen Valley Land Trust Mesa Land Trust San Miguel Conservation Foundation Southwest Land Alliance San Isabel Land Protection Trust Ouray County Colorado Coalition of Land Trusts Colorado Division of Wildlife Yampa Valley Land Trust Land Trust of the Upper Arkansas

Links to land trusts and conservation websites can be found here. >> Links



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© 2008 Bio-Logic, Inc."Natural Resource Consultants Specializing in Biology, Geology, GIS, & Wetlands"