"Natural Resource
Consultants Specializing in Biology, Geology, GIS, & Wetlands"
125 Colorado Avenue, Suite B, Montrose, Colorado 81401, USA
970-240-4374 Fax
Impact Assessment & Mitigation

more information on impact assessment and inventory services, project
design, or quotes please contact:
Boyle, Principal & Senior Biologist

Assessment & Mitigation
BIO-Logic, Inc.
performs a wide range of environmental
impact assessments and analysis. As third-party consultants jointly
working for industries and government agencies, we have completed
numerous NEPA compliance reports including Environmental
Assessments and biology/hydrology/wetlands sections of Environmental
Impact Statements. Drawing on field surveys and data
from other sources, we describe the Affected Environment and
Environmental Consequences of proposed actions, and develop mitigation
strategies to eliminate or minimize impacts to wildlife, plants, soils,
waters, and wetlands.
We prepare Biological
Assessments describing potential project impacts to
federally listed or candidate species, and perform formal and informal
consultations with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to ensure compliance
with the Endangered Species Act.
We prepare Biological
Evaluations describing potential project impacts to
federal agency sensitive species and other species or resources of
conservation concern.
We prepare compliance
reports and arrange permitting for wetlands and
other local, state, or federal permitting authorities.
We perform Phase I and Phase
II Environmental Site Assessments to ASTM standards, for properties
requiring documentation of existing environmental hazards.
Our Impact Assessment
& Mitigation clients and projects include:
Western Resource Advocates—Federal
Energy Corridors EIS Review Denison Mines (USA) Corp.
—Environmental Assessment support, Paradox Basin mine sites Genesis
Oil & Gas and Oil, LLC—Environmental Assessments and Stormwater
Management Plans, Piceance Basin gas field projects San
Miguel County—Society Turn Underpass Environmental Impact Report
Tri-State Generation & Transmission Association-- NEPA and ESA
Consultation for Transmission Line Construction &
Reauthorization San Miguel Power Association-- NEPA
and ESA Consultation for Transmission Line Repair Tri-County
Water Conservancy District-- NEPA and ESA Consultation for Utility Line
Upgrade U.S. Magnesium-- Oversight of
Regulatory Agency Studies, Utah Bureau of Land Management, Colorado
State Office-- Programmatic BA/BE for Resource Management Plans U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers-- NEPA and ESA Consultation, North Fork
Gunnison River Restoration Project Mountain Coal Company-- NEPA and ESA
Consultation Western Fuels Colorado, LLC--
Revegetation Studies for Bond Release Cotter Corporation-- NEPA and ESA
Consultation Trust for Public Land-- Phase I
Environmental Site Assessments, Elk Mountains Costilla County-- Phase I
Environmental Site Assessment
Links to useful regulatory
websites can be found here. >>Links
© 2008 BIO-Logic, Inc.
"Natural Resource Consultants Specializing in Biology, Geology, GIS,
& Wetlands"